Student mobility
International experience and cultural awareness is increasingly emphasized, especially in hospitality and tourism. A work exchange overseas will make your resumé stand out from the crowd. International mobility abroad does not have to be expensive, nor does it have to be long. Through Erasmus+, Fagskolen in Viken has the opportunity to send students on mobility stays from 5 - 365 days. As a student, you might be eligible for a travel grant and individual financial support, which in some instances cover the full costs of the exchange.
As of today, Fagskolen in Viken has sent students on internships to France, Denmark and the Canary Islands. Currently, we are also making arrangements to aid students with internships in Portugal, Rotterdam and Greece. We are working tirelessly to enhance international access to all of our student.
Please contact us if you have any questions.
Fagskolen i Viken, is the only school in Norway who has been awarded with two Erasmus+ charters for mobility.
We have both the VET - Vocational Education Charter at level 5 & ECHE - Erasmus Charter for Higher Education at level 6.
Currently, our studyprogrammes do not include a set semester where students get the opportunity to study abroad, achieve credits and have these credits recognised on return. This also means that we cannot at this stage receive inncoming students on exchange, this is however a goal which might be a possibility before too long.
Some of our current studyprogrammes may have a course or module where both short-term and long-term practical mobility is encouraged. The school is working on establishing solid partners and receiving organisations abroad who can provide students with the practical training and skills required to meet the set learning outcomes and there might be availability here. If this applies to your studyprogram, contact your Head of Department (utdanningsleder) to discuss potential opportunities.
If you or your whole class are interested in experiencing learning abroad you can contact your Head of Department (utdanningsleder) and the International coordinator to discuss possibilities. It is normally the Head of Department who instigates study trips/group mobilites. This type of mobility takes a lot of planning and preparation and so we encourage you to contact us at least 1 year in advance to allow time to make plans and apply for funding.
As a student, the two charters could give you exciting international opportunities. Read more about what this means for you!
Dette er virkelig en unik mulighet for 6 Helse og oppvekst studenter! Bli med på mobilitet til Kenya sammen med Tumaini organisasjonen som jobber i Giribe.
I lys av vår kontinuerlige innsats for å berike studieopplevelsen til våre studenter ved Fagskolen i Viken, ser vi nå mot mulighetene som ligger i internasjonal erfaring og kunnskapsdeling. Gjennom samarbeid med den norske organisasjonen Tumaini, kan våre studenter nå tilbringe en del av studietiden i Giribe, Kenya.
Våren 2024 har vi Erasmus+ stipend til 6 studenter fra Fagskolen i Viken.
Les mer om søkeprosessen, stipend ordningen og mobiliteten her ››.